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For a personal, unique and beautiful welcome for your child, the We can help.

Many parents ask for help in arranging a special ceremony to welcome their new child. In Eastafrica the number of christenings is steadily falling as people seek a more inclusive way of marking this happy event.

Most parents choose to hold the ceremony at the start of a celebratory party, either in their home or at a special venue. The formal ceremony can be as long or short as desired, they usually last about 20 minutes.

Parents may state their love for and commitment to their child, and their hopes for their future welfare and happiness. They may include poetry or prose readings and music.

Instead of godparents, people choose relatives or friends to become 'guide parents', 'supporting adults', 'mentors' or 'special friends'. They can join in the ceremony, saying how they will be there for the child as he or she grows up.

There are many ways to make the ceremony unique and truly memorable. The occasion can be marked with a book for everyone present to write a special message for the child to read in later years. A tree may be planted to grow along with the child. Brothers and sisters can join in the ceremony and other relatives and friends may wish to contribute too.

Older children have usually grown into their names. In their case, the focus of the ceremony could be a special welcome to the family and an expression of love, rather than a formal naming.

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